Scoring your 2021 goals.

Scoring your 2021 goals.

92% of people who set goals at the beginning of each year, don't achieve them - University of Scranton.

This is a really large number and I'm actually among the 92%, so I began thinking, what really is the cause?, I'm always so passionate about my goals and I really want to achieve them. I discovered that I wrote down wishes and not goals. How?

A goal is a result you "attempt" to achieve, a wish is a desire, something you long for.

Your written down goals remain wishes until you attempt them systematically.

The word "attempt" is always the challenge, so I decided to create a system to help me attempt my goals.

This is what I do for my goals and you should do it.

  • Write down your goals

  • Plan the process to achieve each of your goals.

  • Time the process quarterly.

  • Check your achievements quarterly and access yourself strictly.

  • Celebrate your achievements.

This system would help you score your goals for 2021.

Let me know what you think in the comment box, If you have any other approach you can as well drop them.

Thanks for reading.